Monday, June 19, 2017

Blog 4: Assistive Technology

This week my article stood out to me because of other courses I've taken throughout this Wilkes Graduate program.  I'm going for my Master's in Education, but selected the focus of Instructional Technologies.  This allowed me to be exposed to several interesting courses utilizing technology within my classroom & knowing the technology out there to supplement my work in the classrooms.

Assistive Technology is the topic of this article.  I have taken a class through my graduate course work that allowed me to dive deep into this subject.  This article in my Google Alerts stood out to me because of that background knowledge.  Described in this particular writing was the investigation of a former teacher into the use of assistive technology to embrace PWD (Persons with Disabilities).  This former teacher set up a workshop to use assistive technology that would inform them on using 'a receptive aided language learning environment.'  This workshop also dove into some recent research backing different forms of learner per each individual child.  The experienced as open to the discussion of argumentative forms of communication and learning alternatives could benefit any learner.

This article got me excited for experts and beyond can be informed on assistive technology that is useful, but also how using that could be a different form of learning and communication.  Communication amongst learners, educators, administrators, and parents is crucial for the success of the learner.  I found this article to be a positive step for assistive technology use in the classroom along with the PWD's mission for learners with more challenges. 

 Assistive Technology Article

1 comment:

  1. Hi Angela,

    I love seeing a community particularly rally around persons in their community with disabilities. I found it interesting that they were particularly targeting the metacognition of each child - helping them understand how they learn early on in life so that a focus on assistive technologies could occur to help them thrive. Overall, it was a feel-good article, and unfortunately, we don't have nearly enough of them in the news these days! :) Thanks for sharing.

